about us

What We Do

With head office in Austria, AviaN is one of Europe´s leading companies concerning headhunting aviation professionals.

We will deliver the most compatible candidate based on each of our client’s specific and unique hiring requirements, by utilizing the largest global aviation network.

With our database we provide a wide range of aviators from Cabin Crews, Engineers, Executives to Pilots.

Doesn´t matter if it is for long term or just freelance, AviaN ensures maximum availibility, we offer our service 24/7.

Our Mission

From Aviator to Aviator

AviaN was founded a few years ago with the aim of providing Jobs “from Aviator to Aviator”. Our team only consist of experts which are actively employed in the industry as Cabin Crew, Technician or Pilot.

With this experience we can provide and negotiate the best and fairest conditions in the market. Our personality is focused on professionalism. We are a passionate and solution-driven, detail-oriented company that is committed to being accurate, honest and transparent when delivering a job or candidate.